Hongsheng Hu / 胡泓昇

A stupid math guy.

Latest update: July 07, 2024.

I am currently an assistant professor in School of Mathematics, Hunan University, Changsha, China.

CV & 中文简历.

Research Interests:

Algebra, representation theory, Lie theory, Coxeter groups and their representations, Kazhdan–Lusztig theory.


huhongsheng (the symbol) amss (dot) ac (dot) cn
huhongsheng (the symbol) hnu (dot) edu (dot) cn

ORCID: ORCID iD icon 0000-0002-1850-056X


Conferences and Talks:

Some Links:

At last: 要保持数学工作者的纯粹, 纯粹得像一个小孩.

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